Gospel Soul was founded in 2008 and soon became a well-established choir of the Emilia region. The choir takes part in concerts and international festivals  meeting other important international choirs. Critically acclaimed for its original style it remains true to the soul of the gospel message and spirituals by combining the roots of Gospel music with the  expressiveness of gestures all with  typical Italian musical colours.


Thirty “Gospel Souls” make up one single “Gospel soul”. The magic is in the singing together, sharing our enthusiasm and fun! It has an intense concert agenda promoting continuous opportunities for the study and spread of  gospel and spiritual music.

In 2010 it joined the AERCO (Associazione Regionale Cori Emilia Romagna) 
and FENIARCO (Federazione Italiana Cori).










at Casa del Volontariato
Viale Peruzzi Baldassarre, 22 - 41012 Carpi (MO)
CF: 90029890366 - P.IVA: 03620040364

Call now!
+39 346 7088638